Delivery to other countries
- The minimum order amount for shipment to other countries is $100
- Payment is possible by transfer to PayPal or SWIFT
- All foreign orders must be in dollars and are canned at our domestic exchange rate.
- If you place an order in rubles, we will convert it into dollars at our own exchange rate. Partial delivery is included in the cost of many orders.
After you have made an order, write to this account, he will answer all your questions and help you make the payment Instagram: @artblong_int
Video instructions on how to place an order:
We send parcels every 7 days !! ATTENTION!! after you have placed an order, write to us on Instagram: @artblong_int (because our emails end up in spam), you will also receive an email with the order (check the spam folder please). We also use two emails to send notifications to you: the main post -; reserve
We accept all orders via the website. Our site is not fully translated into English, to translate all pages, you can use this link When you have collected all the products in the basket, you need to write: first name, last name, mail, phone number and select your city and country, ZIP CODE, then place an order. Be sure to specify your email address because the tracking number of your parcel will be sent to your email address automatically.
Delivery time:
On average from 2 to 4 weeks. Maximum delivery time 7 weeks
We will not be able to tell you the exact delivery dates, they are always different. And the delivery time depends on the work of the postal service.
If you have not received the parcel after 7 weeks, write to us and we will write an application for its search. The search for the shipment goes on for 3 months, if the parcel is not found, we will refund your money. This happens very rarely, we ask you to be understanding and wait for your order.
If you see that your parcel is in one place for long time, this means that it passes through customs, or has left the customs area. This does not mean that the parcel was lost. It's on the way. Please don't worry.
Please read the terms of departure, and write: I read it(a) information about the shipment and I will wait for the parcel, after that we will send your order.
Customs did not allow the shipment
Attention! If the customs office of the recipient's country don’t pass the parcel, the money for delivery is not returned, and the amount of the return delivery is also deducted. It's not a mistake in the documents, they write just a refusal. In this case, we deduct the delivery in both directions and return the remaining amount.
If the parcel does not pass due to an error in the declaration, that is, an error on our part, then we return all the money in its entirety. Please read and write that you agree to these terms before paying for the order.
If you place an order in rubles, we calculate the exact cost of delivery after receiving the order. It depends on the weight of the shipment.If you place an order in dollars, the shipping cost does not change, because part of the shipping cost is already included in the cost of the goods. The exception is considered to be large wholesale orders.
Making an order:
When you write us your shipping address and phone number, please double-check them, since after sending we cannot change them and if the parcel does not reach you due to an error in the address or phone, we will not refund you the money for the order.
Specify the correct email address, your phone number or instagram so that the manager can write to you to WhatsUpp.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION !! We ship resin and alcoholic ink under your responsibility. If the resin is not passed through customs or the shipment is lost, we are not responsible. In this case, we offer to make two departures: in one shipment only resin, in the other shipment all other goods that will not have problems with customs. As practice has shown, we can send resin to Europe, there were no problems with customs.
Customs duties:
Will you need to pay any taxes? we don't know. Before paying for the order, you'd better find out for yourself, at your customs or post office. Here is a description of how we ship parcels.
- We send all parcels as a gift.
- We do not put receipts and order forms inside.
- We specify a minimum estimated cost of $20. Exceptions are large orders, the estimated cost is agreed with the client.
Track your order:
The tracking number for tracking the parcel is provided to your email address specified in the order automatically (check the spam folder). We do not send track numbers to phone numbers and to instagram.
You have to track the parcel yourself, we do not send notifications that the parcel is waiting for you at the post office. If you have not received the parcel due to not tracking the shipment or not showing up at the post office. Then our company will not compensate for the costs of resending your shipment or transporting it back to us for the above reason.
When receiving the goods at the courier service, be sure to check the integrity of the goods in the order at the place of receipt. If you see the damage, then be sure to contact the service employee, show the damage and make a report. If you left the pick-up point without claiming damages, we will not consider such claims in the future.
If you had a contactless delivery: record the opening (unpacking of the parcel) on your mobile phone camera, video without pauses in the general plan. If you see damage, then fix it on the camera at the time of continuous video recording. If you have not done what is listed above, we will not be able to compensate the amount of the goods. All this is necessary to prove that the damage occurred during transportation. For your part, you could drop, break, spill or do something else with the goods and make a claim to us.
Shipment insurance:
We send parcels abroad by the Belarusian post so that the cost of sending for you is minimal, the insurance amount of the parcel is $20. Accordingly, the amount of compensation for any damage you will receive only this amount. Therefore, in order to insure the parcel in full, we can specify the real value of each item, and if damage occurs, the transport company will be able to reimburse the cost of the item.
Refusal to send a message:
If you refuse to send an order that has already been shipped to the shipping company, you pay for the delivery and return of the goods. You need to accept the shipment and send your order back to us at your own expense. After we receive the order in its entirety, we will refund your money within 14 days.
Track your order:
You can track the order using this link, enter the number of the track number in the field.
Step 1
Open the site and change the language

Step 2
Change the currency to dollars.
You need to opem category any product and you'l see this icon (for example open he silicone molds section)

Step 3
When you have selected all the products and added them to the cart, you need to go to it to place an order. Сlick on the cart icon.
1. Write your the correct phone number with the country code (that is linked to WhatsApp), the correct email and instagram name. Сheck it twice
2. If you have any problems: can't write your phone number? go down below, select your country and city.

Step 4
1. If you can find your country, that's great.
2. If you have not found your country or your phone does not work, IT is IMPORTANT FOR US THAT YOU MAKE AN ORDER, write any country that the order would pass, in the comments to the order you can write your city and your phone and your full address, and our manager will change youre order details.

Step 5
1. Next, the arrows show what you need to click (click payment the order after confirmation by the manager (it will be written in Russian, which we translated for you here), when our manager sees your order, he will write to you by email.
2. In the comment field to the order, if you had problems in specifying the address, please write here the exact address with the index and your phone number correctly.
3. Click on this button (confirm the order) and we will see your order.
As soon as we see your order, we will process it and write to you.

Step 1
Open the site and change the language

Step 2
change the currency to dollars.
To do this you need to go to any product that you would have this icon (for example go to the silicone molds section)

Step 3
you have added all the products you need go to the shopping CART (click on the trash icon in the upper right corner)
and so we are with you in the shopping cart at checkout.
1.write your first name last name ! phone number and email
2. if you have a problem ! can't write your phone number ? go down below choose your country and city

Step 4
1. if you have everything super you can find your country and write your phone number. then go down further
2. if you haven't found your country or your phone doesn't work then write as in the photo ( United States , New York ) then there will be a column add a comment and you can write where the delivery is. and our Manager will fix everything for your city ( the main thing for us is to see your order and we will always correct the information about you and send it to your city don't worry)

Step 5
1. here we did not make a mistake with the window we showed the arrow what to press (you click payment after the order is confirmed by the Manager ( this is the inscription in Russian we have translated to you here what is written there) when our Manager sees your order will write to your email and adjust your city and your phone number so that you get your order )
2. in the comment field for the order if you had mistakes in writing the phone number or your city ! you write here where to deliver. and write your phone number correctly please
3. click on this button and we will see your order. ( confirm order )
as soon as we see your order we will process it and write to you

Доставка в другие страны:
Мы отправляем почтой России. Минимальная сумма на отправку в другие страны 100$ - 7500 руб . Мы не отправляем: смолу, алкогольные чернила и спиртосодержащие товары. Во время оформления заказа в корзине поставьте оплата после подтверждения заказа. Когда мы получим заказ, мы свяжемся с вами через почту или WhatsApp. Оплатить заказ вы сможете SWIFT переводом или переводом PayPal после подтверждения заказа нами. Международные отправления мы отправляем раз в 7 дней после оплаты заказа. Сроки доставки варьируются от 1 до 2 месяцев. Точные даты доставки мы не сможем сказать. До Европы в среднем от 2 до 6 недель, Америка- 3-6 недель, Арабские страны до 2 месяцев.
Точную стоимость доставки мы вам сможем сказать после того как вы сделаете заказ. Стоимость отправления варьируется от веса и габаритов посылки.
Оформление заказа:
Все заказы мы принимаем через сайт. Во время оформления заказа в корзине поставьте оплата после подтверждения заказа. Когда мы получим заказ, мы свяжемся с вами через почту или WhatsApp.
Когда вы собрали все товары в корзине, переходите в оформление заказа и вам нужно написать: имя, фамилия, почта, телефон и выбрать ваш город и страну. Большая просьба пишите корректные данные: ФИО, адрес доставки, ИНДЕКС обязательно, номер телефона с кодом города. Обязательно укажите вашу почту т.к. на почту вам будет выслан трек номер для отслеживания вашей посылки автоматически (если вы не видите от нас письма во входящих сообщениях, то смотрите папку спам). Еще раз проверьте все данные и нажимайте: сделать заказ.
ВАЖНО !!!! Если у вас возникли ошибки с заполнением формы город и телефон: выберите любую другую страну например Российская Федерация и город Москва. Номер телефона напишите этот +7 999 999 99 99 и самое главное в поле комментарий к заказу напишите ваш точный адрес куда нужно доставить и ваш номер телефона привязанный к WhatsUpp чтобы менеджер с вами мог связаться.
Таможенные сборы:
Проверяйте в своей стране самостоятельно таможенные налоги за импорт, если таковы имеются, но мы при отправке в таможенной декларации указываем что это подарок и указываем оценочную стоимость в 20$. Если с вас берут пошлину на таможне, наша компания эти расходы не покрывает. Мы не владеем информацией по таможенным сборам всех стран мира, вам нужно это узнать самим перед тем как делать заказ.
Отслеживание заказа:
На почту, которую вы указали в заказе, вам будет выслан трек номер для отслеживания вашей посылки автоматически (если вы не видите от нас письма во входящих сообщениях, то смотрите папку спам). Мы не отправляем трек номера на телефонные номера или в инстаграм. Мы не извещаем клиента о прибытии посылки в отделение почты.
Пожалуйста отслеживайте посылки самостоятельно. Если вы не отслеживали посылку и не получили ее по причине не явки в почтовое отделение, то наша компания не компенсирует расходы за отправку вашего отправления повторно или транспортировку нам назад.
При получении товара в курьерской службе, обязательно проверьте целостность товара в заказе на месте получения. Если вы увидели повреждения, то обязательно обратитесь к сотруднику почтовой службы, покажите повреждения и составьте акт. Если вы покинули пункт выдачи не заявив о повреждениях, то такие претензии мы не рассматриваем.
Смола в заказе:
Если Вы все же хотите получить нашу смолу или алкогольные чернила, то мы можем отправить под вашу ответственность, в случае если смолу не пропустят на таможне или отправление пропадет, то мы не несем ответственность. В таком случае предлагаем сделать два отправления. в одном отправлении только смола, в другом отправлении все остальные товары у которых не будет проблем с таможней. Как показала практика в Европу мы можем отправить смолу, проблем не было с таможней. Но такие посылки мы отправляем под вашу ответственность.
Отказ от отправления:
Если вы отказываетесь от отправленного заказа, который уже отгружен в транспортную компанию, вы оплачиваете доставку и возврат товара. Вам нужно принять отправление и самостоятельно отправить за свой счет ваш заказ нам назад. После того как мы получим заказ в целостности мы вернем вам деньги в течение 14 дней.